Explorer Service

Engage Little Roads to investigate a place in Italy that’s important to you…

  • Do you have an ancestor from Italy? Do you know where their headstone is? Is their name engraved on a war memorial?
    We can visit the site, find the marker, take photos, and possibly even capture the name in the stone with a charcoal rubbing on paper, and mail it to you.

  • Did you honeymoon in Italy 20 years ago? (Or even 50?) Curious about what the place looks like now?
    We can go there, look up old locations (restaurants/bars, streets, historical sites, etc.) and send you pictures… We’ll even take you on a video call down one of the streets.

  • Are you looking at a property in Italy to purchase, and would you like to know more about the area it’s in?
    We will travel to the address, take video or pictures, and explore the town or surrounding countryside, so you can get an impression of the place from the point of view of people who live in Italy.

  • Is your family from a town or village in Italy? Is there a particular lake, church, peak, or other geographical or cultural landmark special to your family?
    We can visit the place, explore the town or countryside, and potentially look for names or photos of family members on memorials or in old photos in bars or churches. We can even send you a postcard from the town - assuming they have a post office, that is!

The cost of our Explorer Service starts at €250, and is based on distance and depth of research.

What we CAN do:
- Take pictures and video of places within or near a town 
- When possible, depending on phone connection, schedule a video call with you so you can walk these areas with us in real time
- Send an etching of a gravestone or a postcard from the location you desire
- Visit the precise places you send us, and show you what is there now
- Provide a follow-up report with photos and videos embedded, any pertinent info we learn, assessments of the area 

What we CAN’T do:
- genealogical research, or hunting for paperwork at government or archive facilities
- find a real estate agent or set up an appointment for viewing a property
- guarantee that we’ll find anything if you do not already know it is there

Our service is perfect for those who are certain of their heritage, and have specific addresses or memorials they want to see today. It is also perfect for people who lived or honeymooned in a town and wish to see it again, but are unable to go themselves. However, we are reticent to take on the Explorer Service for anyone who is unsure of what we will find (e.g. not sure if gravestones are there, or if their family is truly from that town), because we don’t want anyone to be disappointed.

Ready to start exploring? Scroll down and fill out our Explorer Service form below!

Little Roads Explorer Service form