Let us plan your off-the-beaten-track trip to Italy or Ireland! Little Roads Europe: Travel that is Immersive, Authentic, Memorable, Affordable.
Travel is an integral part of our lives. Wherever we go, our goal is to fit in with the locals in the town; to experience life there beyond the surface you find as a random tourist; to slow down, and take time to actually see and experience what is around us; to learn about the food, culture and history of the area; and to avoid other tourists at all costs.
Travel Tips
We focus on having a relaxing, enjoyable trip from the moment we leave our house to the moment we return – and for us, that means minimizing the hassle and maximizing the memorable experiences.
One of the great pleasures we indulge in while traveling is finding great food. This is, of course, especially true in Italy, where we have a large group of “Destination Restaurants” we like to return to again and again. Italian food is all about the quality of ingredients, so when trying to replicate a dish we always try to get the best ingredients we can find.
“Zeneba Bowers and Matt Walker convey the real Italy, the day-to-day routines of its people and the tastes of its culinary traditions. They deliver what every armchair traveler and guidebook devotee is seeking: An indelible sense of place and the locals-only advice you need to experience it for yourself.”
- Robert Firpo-Cappiello, Editor in Chief, Budget Travel (BudgetTravel.com)