Eating Good Food in Ireland - Little Roads Europe style

“We don’t care about the food,” most of our clients say, when they ask us to plan a trip to Ireland.

We try to convince them otherwise. Top three reasons:

1. Ireland has some excellent eats! But you definitely have to know where to go

2. Food has gotten much more expensive in Ireland than it used to be. A plate of fish and chips in a gastropub costs between €17-€20.

3. Fish and chips, or any other dish, costs about the same in a great gastropub (where they're making it fresh) as it does in a regular pub (where they’re likely just reheating frozen portions in a microwave). Taking the time to find a great place to eat is well worth the time and money.

We found a lot of great new places to eat on this trip to Ireland. Here are some pics from our favorites.

If you want to visit small town Ireland, and eat really well, we can plan a custom trip for you!